Other America

Other America is a series of 12 short films that travel across the country, choosing blue highways over state roadways, local shops over shopping malls, encountering real people over reality personas.

Throughout his youth, UK-born director James Coulson dreamed of a New York forged in pop culture. Eight years after moving to the Big Apple, James set out on a road trip to delve below the surface image that first drew him to America. Along the side roads, in small towns and areas not featured in guidebooks, Coulson discovered strangers who generously and candidly related their life stories. In exploring America as the “other,” Coulson decided to apply for his US citizenship midway.

Role Director + Cinematographer + Producer + Designer


Nowhere in the world can you travel across a country of such extremes, both in the environment and its people. In the land of the free and the home of the brave, the series’ journey through America is defined by the promise of liberty.

These stories are Other America.

Other America in the press
The Guardian
BBC America
Planet 5D
Atlas Obscura

Printed promotional items (set of 4 postcards and film poster)

Bespoke website across desktop, tablet and mobile


Website teaser holding page

Following Other America

Additional content was created on various social media platforms

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Sharing Other America

The bespoke website offered the audience ability to share across various social media platforms

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Other America Screening at Nitehawk Cinema Q&A